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Welcome to AgroNarmada Seeds (ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company)

Brinjal Harit

Phule Harit is less spiny, pale green in colour and famous for roasting (Bharta) purpose.

SKU: ANS-125 Categories: , , Tag:


1. Season: Kharif (June second week) & transplanting in July-August; Summer (January second week) & transplanting in February last week.

2. Crop duration: 180 days.

3. Yield: 300 q/ha.

4. Good for Kharif season.

5. Fruit colour: Pale green with white strips at tip.

6. Average fruit weight: 190 gm.

7. The fruits are tender and less spiny.

8. Good for roasting (Bharta) purpose.

Additional information

Weight 25 g
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